Chronicles of Andromeda
a blogsical
by Ian Wilson
Welcome to Chronicles of Andromeda
This is a new form of internet entertainment called a "blogsical". It is a musical story of love and adventure. It is about caring for the wonders of nature that surround us and protecting them from selfishness and avarice.
Songs are added as the story unfolds and as I have new ideas for songs and adventures. The songs are currently presented as low tech demos. If you would like to sing any of the songs, I would be flattered to be asked for resources such as a score or a backing track. It would be wonderful to replace some of the demos with higher quality performances by proper singers.
Now, if you really appreciate the terrifying power of exponential growth you will see that the future in which this story takes place need not necessarily be very distant. Let me give you an illustration of what I mean. In my lifetime I have seen the world’s human population increase past the 6 billion mark and then the 7 billion mark. I have good reason to be optimistic that I will also see the population break 8 billion before I die. It’s getting faster, fast. When people use the word “exponential” in conversation, they sometimes don’t mean this increasing rate of change where numbers can get mind-bogglingly big. Indeed I pray, if you will forgive my use of language, that important people like The Pope come to understand this very soon. In their hands is a chance to mitigate human suffering on an astronomical or biblical scale. If we are to survive, The Enlightenment must become universal, as must the complete emancipation of women worldwide. (footnote on population)
But now let me descend from my soap box and tell you the story. Gather round…